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About Aromatherapy / アロマセラピーとは

images-4.jpegMany believe aromatherapy is mysterious, but in fact, it's a very easy-to-understand-albeit fascinating-science. Simply put, aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of pure plant essential oils to bring well-being to both mind and body.


It Begins with Essential Oils / エッセンシャルオイルからはじまる

Essential oils are the very heart of every flower, fruit, herb, resin, tree and spice on earth. Highly concentrated and extraordinarily fragrant, they're extracted from the cells of the plants through a process known as steam distillation. The essential oils or pure plant aromas that remain are 100 times more concentrated than the original fragrance of the fresh plant.


It Works Naturally / 自然に機能します

When we smell essential oils, we register the scent in the limbic system-the part of our brains where memories are stored, emotions are processed, and moods are stimulated. That's why we all have such personal connections to certain scents: when we come in contact with an aroma, our subconscious receives and reacts to it before we are even aware of it. The fragrances of some essential oils automatically encourage us to relax. Others make us feel more energized. Still others leave us calm and comforted. Best of all, essential oils have antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial qualities that make them as good for our bodies as they are for our spirits.


It's Been Around For A Long, Long Time / 紀元前から存在しています

Aromatic medicine was an important part of Egyptian culture more than six thousand years ago. In India, cinnamon, ginger, myrrh and sandalwood essential oils are mentioned in the Vedas-an Ayurvedic text dating from 2,000 B.C. In 1928, Rene Gattefosse, a French chemist, became fascinated with the therapeutic properties of essential oils after lavender oil healed his hand, which he had burned severely. His research, and subsequent book, Aromatherapy, has helped us refine our understanding of this ancient art, today. It is clear that every culture and every generation has innately understood that pure essential oils make us feel healthier, happier, and more balanced, and leave us with a sense of well-being that only Nature could provide.


Essential Oil Glossary / エッセンシャル・オイル用語集

ANISE pimpinella anisum / アニス

Anise seed, the seed of Anise was believed to have an overall purifying and protecting quality. Its warm, spicy odor will remind you immediately of licorice. The essential oil is steam distilled from the seeds.


BASIL ocimum basilicum / バジル

The sweet energizing aroma of basil is good for fatigue and is an excellent mental tonic. When blended with other oils it is restorative and balancing. The Essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops.


BERGAMOT citrus bergamia / ベルガモット

Most people know this aroma through Earl Grey tea, which is flavored with bergamot oil. It is a fruity citrus oil of spicy-floral freshness. Bergamot is excellent for uplifting moods and is especially helpful in relieving anxiety, stress, tension and depression. The essential oil is extracted by cold expression of the peel of the fruit.


CAMOMILE (CHAMOMILE) ROMAN anthemis nobilis / chamaemelum nobile / カモミール

The camomile family is large and there are several different camomile essential oils. Long known for its calming and relaxing properties, Roman camomile is soothing to the nervous system and may be good as a sleep aid. The essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering tops. It is calming and balancing.


CARDAMOM elettaria cardamomum / カルダモン

Native to the Middle and Far East. Cardamom gives Indian chai tea a warm, spicy flavor. It has a sweet, spicy, balsamic fragrance and is uplifting and yet soothing. The essential oil is steam distilled from the seeds.


CASSIA cinnamomum cassia / カッシア

Cassia is often used as an alternative to cinnamon. It has a slightly sweet, camphorous fragrance and has been used medicinally for digestive complaints. The oil should not be used directly on the skin and is extracted by steam distillation from the leaves.


CEDARWOOD cedrus atlantica / シダーウッド

Cedarwood has been used in the past for ship building and for the doorways to many ancient churches. It was believed that it would help with longevity as well an opening to the mind. Cedarwood has soothing, comforting and stabilizing properties. The Essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the wood.


CINNAMON cinnamomum zelylanicum / シナモン

Cinnamon has a sweet, warm and spicy fragrance that is refreshing and revitalizing. The oil should not be used directly on the skin and is extracted by steam distillation from the leaves and the bark.


CLOVE syzygium aromaticum / クローブ

Clove has valuable first aid benefits, specifically in dentistry as a pain killer. It is revitalizing and comforting. The oil should not be used directly on the skin and is extracted by steam distillation from the unopened dry flower buds.


EUCALYPTUS eucalyptus globulus / ユーカリ

Eucalyptus is a traditional household remedy that has strong antiseptic and decongestant properties that is often used in saunas and vapor rubs. It is refreshing, opening and purifying. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the leaves and twigs.


FENNEL foeniculum vulgare / フェンネル

Its licorice-like flavor has soothing and calmative properties. For hundreds of years, fennel seeds have been used to ease stomach aches and is often used in mouthwashes and toothpaste. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the crushed seeds.


FIR abies alba / モミ

Fir has a strong, balsamic, resinous odor that seems to have strengthening qualities that help center as well as stimulate and energize. Fir is steam distilled from twigs and needles.


FRANKINCENSE boswellia carteri / フランキンセンス

Frankincense has a very soothing, comforting and elevating action on the mind. It slows and deepens the breath while relaxing the brain, producing feelings of calm during mediation and prayer. The essential oil is steam distilled from the oleo gum resin.


GERANIUM pelargonium graveoloens / ゼラニウム

Geranium is balancing, soothing and revitalizing for the feminine and is rose like in fragrance. The essential oil is steam distilled from leaves, stalks and flowers.


GINGER / ジンジャー(生姜)

Widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, ginger is fortifying and brings a sharp green, spicy note to fragrances. It is stimulating, uplifting and energizing. The essential oil is steam distilled from the sun dried rhizomes.


GRAPEFRUIT / グレープフルーツ

Grapefruit is bright, crisp and refreshing as well as revitalizing and balancing. It sharpens the senses and uplifts the mood in time of stress. The essential oil is cold pressed from the peel.


JASMINE jasminum officinale / ジャスミン

Known as the "King of flowers" this rare and precious oil is euphoric, intoxicating, indulgent and uplifting. Jasmine has a sweet, honey like note and it is extracted with mineral fat or natural solvents to create an absolute as opposed to an essential oil.


LAVENDER lavandula angustifolia / ラベンダー

Lavender is known for it's healing qualities and can be beneficial for physical and emotional challenges. It is highly regarded for its relaxing, calming and soothing properties. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the flowering tops.


LEMON citrus limon / レモン

Lemon is refreshing, good for stress, stimulates the mind, and is purifying for the air. The essential oil is extracted by cold expression from outer part of the fresh peel.


LIME citrus aurantifolia / ライム

The therapeutic properties of lime are refreshing and uplifting as well as stimulating and purifying. The essential oil is extracted by cold expression of the peel of the unripe fruit.


LITSEA CUBEBA may chang / リツェア・クベバ

Litsea cubeba is similar to lemongrass but sweeter and has an intense fresh fruity aroma. It is calming to the nervous system and can be uplifting to one's mood. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the small pepper-like fruits.


MANDARIN citrus reticulate / マンダリン

Mandarin has a very sweet and calming aroma that makes this oil very relaxing and cheerful. The essential oil is extracted by cold expression from the outer peel.


NUTMEG myristica fragrans / ナツメグ

Nutmeg is described as a sweet, warm-spicy, slightly peppery note. It is comforting, rejuvenating and energizing. It is stimulating to the nervous system, uplifting and good for mental focus. The essential oil is steam distilled from the dried seeds.


ORANGE citrus sinensis / オレンジ

The essential oil of the sweet orange is bright, calming, soothing and some think it may be a good antidepressant. The essential oil is cold pressed from the almost ripe outer peel. It is soothing and comforting.


PALMAROSA cymbopogon martini / パルマローザ

palmarosa has a grassy, floral, herbaceous and lemony scent with a hint of rose. It is said to be able to refresh and clarify the mind. The essential oil is steam distilled from the fresh or dried grass.


PATCHOULI pogostemon cablin / パチョリ

Patchouli is a thick, musky, earthy fragrance that has a grounding quality that represents change. It is often used as a relaxant and the aroma is very comforting. The essential oil is steam distilled from dried leaves.


PEPPERMINT mentha piperita / ペパーミント

Peppermint is very versatile. It is refreshing and mentally stimulating as well as a universal digestive aid. The essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering herb.


PETITGRAIN citrus aurantium / プチグレン

Similar in fragrance to orange blossom this citrus leaf oil refreshes the mind and soothes the emotions. The essential oil is distillation from the leaves and twigs of the orange tree.


ROSEMARY rosmarinus officinalis / ローズマリー

Rosemary has a strong aroma that is balancing, invigorating, revitalizing and seems to give a lot of vitality when your feeling weak. The essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves, tops and flowers.


SPEARMINT mentha spicata / スペアミント

Unlike peppermint oil, Spearmint essential oil is calming, relaxing and uplifting, rather than stimulating. The oil is excellent for increasing alertness. The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the flowering tops.


TANGERINE citrus reticulata / タンジェリン

Tangerine smells similar to mandarin and is reminiscent but lighter and much sweeter than Orange. It is soothing and good for stress. The essential oil is cold pressed from the peel.


TEA TREE melaleuca alternifolia / ティーツリー

Tea tree is known for being highly antiseptic and purifying yet mild enough to be put directly on the skin. It grows predominantly in New South Wales in Australia and is steam distilled from the leaves and twigs.

Tea Tree.jpg

VANILLA vanilla planifolia / バニラ

Vanilla is the most popular fragrance. The immature pods are picked and then placed on trays and left to ferment. When the pods (or beans) turn brown, they become very fragrant. The best quality beans accumulate white Vanillin crystals on their shells exterior. Vanilla is rich, warm, sweet and extremely calming and familiar.


YLANG cananga odorata / イランイラン

Known as the flower of flowers, this bright yellow flower is distilled from the freshly picked flowers. The aroma is intoxicating and euphoric. It encourages a relaxed attitude and is valuable in stressful situations.


Ref. Rene Gattefosse, "Aromatherapy" / 資料:ルナ・ガットフォッセ「アロマセラピー」

Aroma / アロマ各種                      

Orange and Lemongrass / オレンジ & レモングラス

Orange and Cedar / オレンジ & シダー

Juniper, Spruce and Basil / ヒノキ科、 常緑針葉樹 & バジル

Vanilla and Rose / バニラ & ローズ

Patchouli and Frankincense / パチョリ & フランキンセンス

Lavender and Tangerine / ラベンダー & タンジェリン

Jasmine and Ylang Ylang / ジャスミン & イランイラン

Ylang Ylang and Lavender / イランイラン & ラベンダー

Lavender / ラベンダー

Litsea Cubeba and Bergamont / リツェア・クベバ & ベルガモット

Peppermint and Eucalyptus / ペパーミント & ユーカリ

Peppermint and Vanilla / ペパーミント & バニラ

Tea Tree, Fresh Basil, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Thyme and Lime /         ティーツリー、バジル、ラベンダー、ユーカリ、ローズマリー、タイム & ライム

Gardenia / クチナシ

Amber and Sandalwood / アンバー & サンダルウッド

Mandarine / マンダリン